In the Community
May 31, 2019

Wild Rose Co-op has been proudly serving our communities for over 100 years. We have 16 locations within East Central Alberta serving a trading area over 14,000 square kilometers and our Head Office is located in the City of Camrose!

Here is how Wild Rose Co-op is invested and giving back to the communities we serve (stats and figures are for 2020):

  • We are 100% Local.
  • We have over 22,000 active members.
  • We employ over 200 amazing Team Members for Leaders, that's over $9 million injected into the local economy through labour costs.
  • $50,000 donated through our Community Giving Programs, Over $24,000 donated to the Camrose and Flagstaff Food Banks.
  • We pride ourselves on being an organization that strives to be a workplace of inclusion, diversity, and outstanding engagement of our Team Members and Leaders.
  • We  profit shared $1 million dollars with our members.
  • We donate 3cents per reusable bag used in our locations to youth programs.
  • We are working on reducing single-use plastic bags here is the progress we made this year: Camrose Food Store-13%, Killam Food Store-14% and Sedgewick Food Store-23%.
  • We work with local producers to divert produce and bakery items from landfills. 

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