Co-op Private Label Crop Protection
ActionsEvery year, Co-op expands their range of private label crop protection products, offering growers the top-notch quality they expect from a trusted name. Co-op continues to introduce new products to its line, filling crucial market gaps at a comfortable price.
Our crop protection lineup
Co-op’s private label crop protection portfolio currently features 18 products, including various-stage herbicides, fungicides, surfactants and more. Every product is brought to the market to address the specific needs of growers we serve across our communities.
“We look to bring products that help our growers overcome agronomic and economic challenges by providing alternative access to key active ingredients,” said Chris Iverson, Manager, Private Brand Portfolio, Federated Co‑operatives Limited.
According to Iverson, Co-op’s private label products ensure the level of quality growers trust. Many products in the lineup are produced at IPCO, an ISO 9001-certified facility in Winnipeg, Man. This verifies the quality of the incoming ingredients in the formulation process to ensure that the end product is exactly what is expected.
Additionally, most Co-op crop protection products carry in-field performance support. This means that if the performance does not meet the growers’ expectations, a Co-op Grow Team member will work with them to evaluate the cause and determine the best course of action.
Complete, not compete
Co-op isn’t looking to compete with large manufacturers but rather to add value to the market by listening to customers and being in the fields. According to Iverson, the introduction of new products relies heavily on the research and development performed by national brands.
“The agricultural industry risks losing the tools it needs to control weeds, insects, and diseases in the crops that require so much hard work. We are losing the ability to use active ingredients due to resistance or regulation at a faster rate than new ones are being brought to market,” said Iverson.
Major manufacturers’ investments defend and secure the existing active ingredients. Though there may be many generic options with the same components, the investment continually proves their important role in feeding the world safely and effectively.
Some brands also engage in cross-promotional campaigns with Co-op crop protection products. “Most manufacturers have a number of key active ingredients in their portfolios; however, none have a product to fit every agronomic need in Western Canada. Co-op products fill the agronomic voids in these portfolios and provide a solution that complements the market,” said Iverson.
Why growers choose Co-op private label
The comprehensive and continuously expanding selection of products in Co-op’s private label lineup is successfully filling the missing pieces in agricultural operations across Western Canada, meeting the needs of growers.
“The private label products within the lineup complement our area agronomically. The pricing advantage, paired with our confidence in using Co-op products such as Patron Complete, allow us to transition growers seamlessly,” said Ian Hockin, Agro Manager at Neepawa-Gladstone Co-op.