Be A Part Of Something Bigger!
ActionsWild Rose Co-op is a member-owned Co-operative with 17 locations throughout East Central Alberta. We employee over 200 employees at our various locations and take pride in the face we have over 20,000 active members.
We are a diverse organization with Cardlocks, Food Stores, Gas Bars, Home, Agro Centre's a Home and Farm Centre, Bulk Petroleum Plant, and a Liquor Store.
We are democratically and locally controlled business. Members control the Co-op through a locally elected Board of Directors.
Without members, our Co-operative doesn't exist. A Membership with the Wild Rose Co-op is only $1.00. You only pay once, and you earn cash back and equity for the rest of your life.
When you become a member, you're actually buying a share in our Co-operative, which means as a member you're an owner. If the Co-op has a good year, then part of those profits go back to you. 100% of our profits stay right in our community. We don't give any earnings to billionaires in far off head office locations. Wild Rose Co-op's Head Office is located right in Camrose, AB.
Every time you shop, you will know that a part of the profits are going back to help the communities we serve. Last year we gave back over $200,000 in donations, sponsorships and partnerships!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why do I need to buy a Co-op Membership?
A: A Co-op membership is different that other retail memberships because you're actually buying a share in our business. It's the fundamental way a co-operative is different from other business models. It means you own a share in the co-op, you can vote in our annual meetings, and you share in our profits!
Q: Do I need a membership to shop at the Co-op?
A: No, but you'll miss out on exclusive member offers and won't get cash back for your purchases, or gain equity in our business.
Q: Can I have a joint membership with my partner or spouse?
A: Yes, joint memberships are available, but you'll only get one vote in our annual meeting, since one vote is given per membership.
Q: What if I move? Can I keep my Co-op number and account?
A: If you move within our Co-op's trading area, then we just need to know your new address. Your number and account remain the same. If you move outside our trading area, you can cash in your membership and receive any equity you've earned.
Become a member today! Click here to sign up online: